Winter Protection for your Dog

Dog boots can provide many benefits for your pet, especially during the winter months. Some of the main reasons to use dog boots include:

– Protection from ice, salt, and snow. All of these can be harsh on your dog’s paws and can cause cracking and other damage.

– Protection from cold weather. As we know, here in the Kawarthas it can get down into the minus teens and 20s – feeling much colder!

If you have never put boots on your dog before, it is important to condition them to wearing them before winter sets in. Start by putting the boots on your dog for just a few minutes at a time and gradually increase the amount of time they are worn. Make sure to give your dog plenty of praise and treats when they wear the boots too! Once your dog is more accustomed, you can put their boots on just before you go for your walk – this will help your pooch understand that boots = walks + adventure!

There are many different styles and brands of dog boots on the market, so how do you decide which ones to buy? The first step is to identify your dog’s needs. If your dog spends a lot of time outside in the winter, then he or she will need boots that protect against ice, salt, and snow. RC Pets Arctic Boot is a great choice for adventurous dogs.

If your dog prefers to only go for walks whenever it’s absolutely necessary, then you could get away with something like the PAWZ disposable rubber boots.

However, sometimes, no matter how hard we try, a dog just doesn’t want to wear boots! They will bite and chew at them until they come off, so for these dogs I recommend Musher’s Secret protection wax.  

When your dog’s feet are protected, they will be less likely to become injured and painful, which means they will also be much happier too!

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