
The Best Fun, Fitness Rowing Machine For The Cottage

Pictured Adam Kreek, Olympic Gold Medal Rower

A new way to experience fun and fitness at the cottage this summer. Kids love it because it’s totally fun! Everybody else loves it for the fun and because it is incredibly stable, safe and offers a full body workout that’s double the calorie burn of jogging with no stress on the knees. It’s fast because both legs are used together to power the stroke. 

Learning to row is an experience that lasts a lifetime. Once limited to Rowing Clubs with long narrow tippy rowboats, the Oar Board Rower now offers a new way to enjoy all the benefits of rowing whether you are a teenager or a retired veteran of life.

The Oar Board combines sliding rigger technology, two-part carbon sculling oars with a traditional paddle board that turns into a performance rowboat in less than 5 minutes. Another cool thing is that it’s totally portable and lightweight. The Oar Board fits into a wheelie bag along with the 2-part oars. Combined with an inflatable paddle board your two wheelie bags can be kept at the apartment or at the cottage, travel in the car and even fly with you as checked luggage. 

Rowing offers a full-body workout that uses 85% of the body’s muscles, it has become a staple workout routine for many athletes, whether on the water or on a stationary rowing machine in the gym.

Ryan Galloway, an NHL Referee, has adopted this board as a part of his rehabilitation regiment following knee surgery and says that its adaptability makes it perfect for outdoor fitness training.

“Of all the pieces of fitness equipment I own, the Oar Board is by far the best addition I have ever made in support of my fitness goals.” – Ryan Galloway, NHL Referee

Galloway says, “Thanks, Oar Board, for being an integral part of my off-season training and for providing a unique way to spend time on the water.”

Adam Kreek, 2008 Gold Medal Olympic Rower rows an Oar Board® to get out in nature while staying fit both mentally and physically. 

“I love my Oar Board! It’s fun, it’s fast and I get a super workout.” 

– Adam Kreek, Olympic Gold Medal Rower 

There are free ‘How to Row’ videos available online so those that are new to the sport can teach themselves the basis quickly. Oar Board also offers a line of paddle boards called Fitness Row and Adventure Row that also includes a double so two people can go rowing together. 

Designer Harold Aune says, “This is a pro-built piece of rowing gear designed to handle heavy usage offering years of service in fresh or saltwater, it’s built to last! Our company is renowned for giving customers the best service ever.” 

The Oar Board is manufactured in Canada by Whitehall Rowing & Sail located in Victoria, British Columbia. Whitehall sells direct to customers all over the world and has shipped the Oar Board to happy owners in over 60 countries in the past seven years. 

Customers can easily order online or call or email Diana at 1-800-663-7481 or for advice or to place an order.